⚠️ This update only concerns projects you create in Timesheetr. Access to Basecamp projects is done on Basecamp itself.
In a major update, Timesheetr now allows organizations to set the default Project Access settings. No action is required, but you will have the option to change the setting from (default) opt-out to opt-in.
Opt-in is in line with how Basecamp works, adding specific users to specific projects. We feel this setting makes it easier to keep your information secure by default. There are also advantages to opt-out, which is why we’re keeping this option available. In the future, we expect to change this setting for new accounts to opt-in by default.
Let all users access all projects (Opt-out)
All users can access all Timesheetr projects (unless you override on each project)
Historically all users can access all Timesheetr projects.
Of course you can override the settings for each project (see Settings > Projects, then click the person icon next to a project and override it, to add/remove users).
Only specific users can access projects (Opt-in)
Users cannot access any Timesheetr project (unless specifically added on each project)
The new setting allows for opt-in, which means that users can’t access a Timesheetr project unless you or any other super admin, specifically added the user to the project (see Settings > Projects, then click the person icon next to a project and add the users that need access).
When should I use opt-in or opt-out?
Opt-in: can be useful if you want to protect information. It’s easy to forget to exclude users from certain projects, which would expose that information to them.
Opt-out: On the other hand, if the information on projects isn’t sensitive or if you work with a small tight knit team, having opt-out can be actually quite useful, as all users are on each new project automatically. So it really depends on your specific situation.
Switching from opt-out to opt-in (to make it more secure)
If you decide opt-in is the better option for your organization, then…
- make the change on Settings > Account > Organization scroll down to Project access and uncheck the checkbox and hit Save.
- Now all users that aren’t specifically added to projects will no longer be able to select them for time tracking or planning or see to-do’s in those projects.
- Visit Settings > Projects and click the person icon next to every project to add users to it.
Switching from opt-in to opt-out (to make it more easy)
- Visit Settings > Account > Organization – scroll down to Project access and check the checkbox and hit Save.
- Since you already added people to each project, there’s not much more you need to do, except be aware that every new Timesheetr project you create, will be accessible by every user on your team (client-users are always excluded unless you specifically add them).
- Of course you can still exclude users from projects, but you have to remind yourself to do so.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or comments, by reaching out to support.