Switch between organizations

In the upcoming release of Timesheetr (the visual time tracking application for creative agencies) you can log into multiple organizations. This allows you to switch between the organizations you work with, without the hassle of logging out and in, or using multiple browsers to achieve the same. What’s more, when switching, you stay on the same page and same day, so you don’t need to further navigate.

Track time for multiple organizations, quick switch between them to track your time, while you’re working on multiple projects for multiple organizations.

Doing billing for multiple organizations, quick switch between them to do all the billing, without logging in and out, making this much more effective.

Paying salaries for multiple organizations, quick switch between those and finish the salaries in no time.

You get the idea.

Time tracking is a chore for most people, so making it more efficient saves you time and that leaves more time to be productive and enjoy life.

Sign up now for an (extra) account.

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